Cloud Services

A Variety of Cloud Services to Fit Your Needs

As the IT industry continues to expand and evolve cloud services are becoming more of a core part of any successful business, so being able to provide a number of cloud services to our customers is an important part of our support. Please see below for a selection of what we can do for you.

Emails Services

The core and most popular email services we provide are POP3, IMAP and Exchange.  Whether setting up for the first time or migrating from another provider we will manage the process from start to finish.  All our services come with DKIM, DMAC and 2FA as standard as well as advanced spam management. 


Office 365

An Office package is an important part of any functioning business, Microsoft Office is by far the most popular one worldwide. With Office 365 we can provide a scalable cost-effective solution for you're needs. From Outlook to Word and Teams we can put the best package together so your only paying for what you need.


Managed Anti-Virus

Anti-Virus is a must have piece of software on any Server or Computer connecting to the internet or otherwise.  Our cloud based system actively monitors your infrastructure in real time to make sure you are always up to date and the most secure you can be.  We have multiple levels available so let us know what you need. 


Cloud Backup

Backups and disaster recovery are an absolute must have to make sure your systems are secure. Our system can be adapted to your requirements, we offer solutions that run back-ups every 15 minutes and file versioning so you will always have a backup of that important document, and the ability to go back to a version you thought long lost.


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